Fourier Methods for Heston Model
We saw the performance of Fourier-based methods and Lewis’s approach for option pricing under the Black-Scholes model. In this lesson, we will revisit these methods in the context of the Heston (1993) model. First, we will focus on pricing via the Heston model under these methods. Then, we will use them to calibrate the model to observed market prices.
1. Fourier-Based Pricing for Heston (1993) Model
First, we are going to see how the Fourier-based approaches perform for Heston (1993) with some pre-defined model parameters. This will require that we define several things, most importantly Heston’s characteristic function. To start with, let’s import the necessary libraries for now:
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad
We will go over the process for a standard European call option. Then, you can adapt the code for other options. We will specifically go over the process for following the Lewis (2001) approach. Hopefully, after this pricing process, you will be able to implement FFT by yourselves. Now, there are a few things we need before going over the pure pricing process. Let’s go over these while defining an appropriate function to be used later on.
1.1. Heston (1993) Characteristic Function
Probably the most important ingredient for Fourier transform methods such as Lewis (2001) is knowledge of the characteristic function for the underlying process. Deriving the characteristic function of Heston (1993) is not as easy and straightforward as in the case of Black-Scholes. We will present here the closed-form expression; you can check the original Heston (1993) paper or Gatheral (2006) to see the derivation of this characteristic function.
The characteristic function of the Heston (1993) model is given by:
\varphi^{H} (u, T) = e^{H_1(u, T)+H_2(u,T)\nu_0}
H_1 (u, T) \equiv r_0 uiT + \frac{c_1}{\sigma_\nu^2}\Biggl\{ (\kappa_\nu - \rho \sigma_\nu ui+c_2) T - 2 log \left[ \frac{1-c_3e^{c_2T}}{1-c_3} \right] \Biggl\}
H_2 (u, T) \equiv \frac{\kappa_\nu - \rho \sigma_\nu ui + c_2}{\sigma_\nu^2} \left[ \frac{1-e^{c_2T}}{1-c_3e^{c_2T}} \right]
c_1 \equiv \kappa_\nu \theta_\nu
c_2 \equiv - \sqrt{(\rho \sigma_\nu ui - \kappa_\nu)^2 - \sigma_\nu^2(-ui-u^2) }
c_3 \equiv \frac{\kappa_\nu - \rho \sigma_\nu ui + c_2}{\kappa_\nu - \rho \sigma_\nu ui - c_2}
As you can see, the derivation and closed-form expression for the characteristic function of the Heston model is not simple at all. Luckily for us, we can create a function in Python that simplifies its calculations every time:
def H93_char_func(u, T, r, kappa_v, theta_v, sigma_v, rho, v0):
"""Valuation of European call option in H93 model via Lewis (2001)
Fourier-based approach: characteristic function.
Parameter definitions see function BCC_call_value."""
c1 = kappa_v * theta_v
c2 = -np.sqrt(
(rho * sigma_v * u * 1j - kappa_v) ** 2 - sigma_v**2 * (-u * 1j - u**2)
c3 = (kappa_v - rho * sigma_v * u * 1j + c2) / (
kappa_v - rho * sigma_v * u * 1j - c2
H1 = r * u * 1j * T + (c1 / sigma_v**2) * (
(kappa_v - rho * sigma_v * u * 1j + c2) * T
- 2 * np.log((1 - c3 * np.exp(c2 * T)) / (1 - c3))
H2 = (
(kappa_v - rho * sigma_v * u * 1j + c2)
/ sigma_v**2
* ((1 - np.exp(c2 * T)) / (1 - c3 * np.exp(c2 * T)))
char_func_value = np.exp(H1 + H2 * v0)
return char_func_value
Now that we have our characteristic function, let’s move on to another important step in the pricing process.
1.2 Integral Value in Lewis (2001)
We also need to get a value for the integral in Lewis (2001): \(\begin{equation*} C_0 = S_0 - \frac{\sqrt{S_0 K} e^{-rT}}{\pi} \int_{0}^{\infty} \mathbf{Re}[e^{izk} \varphi(z-i/2)] \frac{dz}{z^2+1/4} \end{equation*}\)
Obviously, the expression for the integral is the same one we used for Black-Scholes, but note that the expression for the characteristic function has changed.
def H93_int_func(u, S0, K, T, r, kappa_v, theta_v, sigma_v, rho, v0):
Fourier-based approach for Lewis (2001): Integration function.
char_func_value = H93_char_func(
u - 1j * 0.5, T, r, kappa_v, theta_v, sigma_v, rho, v0
int_func_value = (
1 / (u**2 + 0.25) * (np.exp(1j * u * np.log(S0 / K)) * char_func_value).real
return int_func_value
1.3 Calculating the Value of the Integral and Call Value
Finally, we will need to numerically compute the value of the aforementioned integral. As before, we will use the quadrature method (quad) included in the scipy package (
def H93_call_value(S0, K, T, r, kappa_v, theta_v, sigma_v, rho, v0):
"""Valuation of European call option in H93 model via Lewis (2001)
Parameter definition:
S0: float
initial stock/index level
K: float
strike price
T: float
time-to-maturity (for t=0)
r: float
constant risk-free short rate
kappa_v: float
mean-reversion factor
theta_v: float
long-run mean of variance
sigma_v: float
volatility of variance
rho: float
correlation between variance and stock/index level
v0: float
initial level of variance
call_value: float
present value of European call option
int_value = quad(
lambda u: H93_int_func(u, S0, K, T, r, kappa_v, theta_v, sigma_v, rho, v0),
call_value = max(0, S0 - np.exp(-r * T) * np.sqrt(S0 * K) / np.pi * int_value)
return call_value
2. Pricing with Heston (1993) via Lewis (2001)
Now that we have all the necessary functions, let’s price! We will do so for a standard European call option with the following parameters:
# Option Parameters
S0 = 100.0
K = 100.0
T = 1.0
r = 0.02
Also, for the purpose of checking whether everything works, we will assume the following parameters for the Heston model. Remember that to obtain these parameters we will have to calibrate the model to market prices. We will do that by the end of this module.
# Heston(1993) Parameters
kappa_v = 1.5
theta_v = 0.02
sigma_v = 0.15
rho = 0.1
v0 = 0.01
Now, if we implement the whole pricing process described above, we can get to a Call option price with the mentioned characteristics and model parameters:
"Heston (1993) Call Option Value: $%10.4f "
% H93_call_value(S0, K, T, r, kappa_v, theta_v, sigma_v, rho, v0)
Heston (1993) Call Option Value: $ 5.7578
So far, you have learned how to perform pricing with the Heston (1993) stochastic volatility model under the approach by Lewis (2001). One important advantage of Fourier-based methods is that they require very little information (basically, the characteristic function of the process followed by the underlying) to arrive at a semi-analytical solution for the price of the option. As usual, most problems related with these methods arise in the market calibration process, the most important tool we have to extract the values for the different model parameters. Now, we will go over the full calibration process of the Heston model with real market data.
3. Heston Model Calibration
At this point, we are going to guide you through the full process of model calibration for the Heston model. We will do this calibration by looking at market option prices. Hence, the first thing we need is options’ market data to work with. Unlike in other occasions, where we directly downloaded data from Yahoo finance, due to the higher complexity in the process involved here, we will work with data in a local file. Specifically, we are going to calibrate our Heston model using market data for options on the EuroStoxx 50 index (Europe’s 50 largest firms). We will take the data for just one day, September 30th, 2014. Let’s start by importing some additional libraries needed:
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import brute, fmin
3.1. Gather Options’ Market Data
Now, in order to load the mentioned option market data, you need to load the file provided and place it in the same directory we are working on:
# Market Data from
# as of September 30, 2014
h5 = pd.HDFStore(
"option_dataset.h5", "r"
) # Place this file in the same directory before running the code
data = h5["data"] # European call & put option data (3 maturities)
S0 = 3225.93 # EURO STOXX 50 level September 30, 2014
Once you have the market data loaded, we are going to select the options that we want to be part of the calibration process. We will select near ATM options:
# Option Selection
tol = 0.02 # Tolerance level to select ATM options (percent around ITM/OTM options)
options = data[(np.abs(data["Strike"] - S0) / S0) < tol]
options["Date"] = pd.DatetimeIndex(options["Date"])
options["Maturity"] = pd.DatetimeIndex(options["Maturity"])
Then, we add time left until maturity and a constant risk-free rate:
# Adding Time-to-Maturity and constant short-rates
for row, option in options.iterrows():
T = (option["Maturity"] - option["Date"]).days / 365.0
options.loc[row, "T"] = T
options.loc[row, "r"] = 0.02
Date Strike Call Maturity Put
0 1412035200000000000 1850.0 1373.6 1418947200000000000 0.5
1 1412035200000000000 1900.0 1323.7 1418947200000000000 0.6
2 1412035200000000000 1950.0 1273.8 1418947200000000000 0.8
3 1412035200000000000 2000.0 1223.9 1418947200000000000 0.9
4 1412035200000000000 2050.0 1174.1 1418947200000000000 1.1
3.2. Calibration Process
Now that we have the data, let’s begin our calibration process. Apart from the previously defined functions (or, better said, building on those), we will need to define some additional functions to optimize our model parameters so that they match observed market data. First, we will introduce a function that will evaluate the error the model makes with respect to observed data given certain parameters. As usual, we will rely on a mean squared error (MSE) function. We will also define some initial values for the calibration parameters:
i = 0
min_MSE = 500
def H93_error_function(p0):
"""Error function for parameter calibration via
Lewis (2001) Fourier approach for Heston (1993).
kappa_v: float
mean-reversion factor
theta_v: float
long-run mean of variance
sigma_v: float
volatility of variance
rho: float
correlation between variance and stock/index level
v0: float
initial, instantaneous variance
MSE: float
mean squared error
global i, min_MSE
kappa_v, theta_v, sigma_v, rho, v0 = p0
if kappa_v < 0.0 or theta_v < 0.005 or sigma_v < 0.0 or rho < -1.0 or rho > 1.0:
return 500.0
if 2 * kappa_v * theta_v < sigma_v**2:
return 500.0
se = []
for row, option in options.iterrows():
model_value = H93_call_value(
se.append((model_value - option["Call"]) ** 2)
MSE = sum(se) / len(se)
min_MSE = min(min_MSE, MSE)
if i % 25 == 0:
print("%4d |" % i, np.array(p0), "| %7.3f | %7.3f" % (MSE, min_MSE))
i += 1
return MSE
Next, we will need a function that performs the optimization process. In other words, it optimizes the model parameters so as to minimize the error function with respect to market data. We will do this in 2 steps in order to look for faster convergence of the prices to market quotes. First, we will use the brute function of scipy (, that allows the calibration to focus on most sensible ranges. Once these are declared, we can dig deeper into the specific regions and get the actual parameters more accurately with the fmin function (
def H93_calibration_full():
"""Calibrates Heston (1993) stochastic volatility model to market quotes."""
# First run with brute force
# (scan sensible regions, for faster convergence)
p0 = brute(
(2.5, 10.6, 5.0), # kappa_v
(0.01, 0.041, 0.01), # theta_v
(0.05, 0.251, 0.1), # sigma_v
(-0.75, 0.01, 0.25), # rho
(0.01, 0.031, 0.01),
), # v0
# Second run with local, convex minimization
# (we dig deeper where promising results)
opt = fmin(
H93_error_function, p0, xtol=0.000001, ftol=0.000001, maxiter=750, maxfun=900
return opt
3.3. Results from Calibration
Now that we have all the necessary ingredients, let’s see how our calibration algorithm performs. For that, given the way we structured things before, we just need to call our H93_calibration_full() function. This will give us each of the different outputs from calibration, including the values given to the different parameters in the model. Before running, please be aware of the time this algorithm will take!
0 | [ 2.5 0.01 0.05 -0.75 0.01] | 820.892 | 500.000
25 | [ 2.5 0.02 0.05 -0.75 0.02] | 23.864 | 21.568
50 | [ 2.5 0.02 0.25 -0.75 0.03] | 89.655 | 21.568
75 | [ 2.5 0.03 0.15 -0.5 0.01] | 193.283 | 21.568
100 | [ 2.5 0.04 0.05 -0.5 0.02] | 176.340 | 21.568
125 | [ 2.5 0.04 0.25 -0.5 0.03] | 486.965 | 21.568
150 | [ 7.5 0.01 0.15 -0.25 0.01] | 840.337 | 21.568
175 | [ 7.5 0.02 0.05 -0.25 0.02] | 24.810 | 21.568
200 | [ 7.5 0.02 0.25 -0.25 0.03] | 24.834 | 21.568
225 | [7.5 0.03 0.15 0. 0.01] | 110.936 | 21.568
250 | [7.5 0.04 0.05 0. 0.02] | 540.183 | 21.568
275 | [7.5 0.04 0.25 0. 0.03] | 783.222 | 21.568
300 | [ 2.61379559 0.00992657 0.15610448 -0.76361614 0.02778356] | 8.046 | 7.795
325 | [ 1.9152359 0.01257942 0.16036675 -0.91693167 0.0248233 ] | 6.301 | 6.146
350 | [ 2.04831069 0.01215428 0.15832201 -0.89057611 0.02532865] | 6.151 | 6.145
375 | [ 2.0376908 0.01207312 0.16816435 -0.86785979 0.02553311] | 6.097 | 6.075
400 | [ 1.97316132 0.01247835 0.2032535 -0.83478704 0.0254568 ] | 6.002 | 5.996
425 | [ 2.07617861 0.01268556 0.21375606 -0.83213139 0.02575716] | 5.948 | 5.948
450 | [ 2.66904762 0.0147503 0.22891593 -0.87575667 0.02607257] | 5.684 | 5.684
475 | [ 3.14901508 0.01554998 0.22701309 -0.86349685 0.02615741] | 5.358 | 5.358
500 | [ 3.75301757 0.0179153 0.33579328 -0.72953664 0.02611118] | 4.603 | 4.499
525 | [ 5.15416061 0.01857864 0.40457683 -0.45664742 0.0270172 ] | 3.894 | 3.825
550 | [ 5.14078039 0.01861684 0.42859861 -0.43432012 0.02728158] | 3.769 | 3.749
575 | [ 5.0507416 0.01868091 0.43385652 -0.44775932 0.02732562] | 3.719 | 3.717
600 | [ 5.05235394 0.01871275 0.43473462 -0.44693948 0.02730235] | 3.716 | 3.716
625 | [ 5.05371685 0.01872767 0.43504931 -0.44691718 0.0272971 ] | 3.716 | 3.715
650 | [ 5.04446488 0.01872907 0.43469053 -0.44848558 0.02728228] | 3.715 | 3.715
675 | [ 5.04382644 0.0187266 0.43463479 -0.44869357 0.02728557] | 3.715 | 3.715
700 | [ 5.04426287 0.01872709 0.4346593 -0.44857764 0.02728496] | 3.715 | 3.715
725 | [ 5.04476043 0.01872427 0.43464808 -0.44841756 0.02728689] | 3.715 | 3.715
750 | [ 5.04505376 0.01872602 0.43468094 -0.44837446 0.02728584] | 3.715 | 3.715
775 | [ 5.04707738 0.01872566 0.434764 -0.44801571 0.02728898] | 3.715 | 3.715
800 | [ 5.04731712 0.01872561 0.43477373 -0.44796137 0.02728913] | 3.715 | 3.715
825 | [ 5.04735223 0.01872569 0.43477611 -0.44795766 0.02728916] | 3.715 | 3.715
850 | [ 5.04735429 0.0187257 0.43477637 -0.44795746 0.02728915] | 3.715 | 3.715
875 | [ 5.04735911 0.01872571 0.43477669 -0.44795607 0.02728914] | 3.715 | 3.715
900 | [ 5.04735681 0.01872573 0.43477687 -0.44795639 0.02728911] | 3.715 | 3.715
925 | [ 5.0473585 0.01872573 0.43477688 -0.44795608 0.02728912] | 3.715 | 3.715
Optimization terminated successfully.
Current function value: 3.715367
Iterations: 488
Function evaluations: 814
array([ 5.0473602 , 0.01872573, 0.43477697, -0.44795577, 0.02728912])
Now we have finally calibrated our parameters to market values. The results from this calibration give us the following values for the parameters in the Heston (1993) model: $\kappa_\nu = 5.047$ $\theta_\nu = 0.018$ $\sigma_\nu = 0.434$ $\rho = -0.447$ $\nu_0 = 0.027$ The next step will be simply using these parameters to price the option we want.
## 4. Conclusion
In this lesson, we have, first, used Fourier methods to price options using the Lewis (2001) approach for the Heston (1993) model, and second, developed a full calibration of the Heston (1993) model. If you understood the full process covered in this notebook, you are on the right track to face the next module, where we will introduce a model that combines stochastic volatility with jump diffusion features.
Gatheral, Jim. The Volatility Surface: A Practitioner’s Guide. John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2006.
Heston, Steven L. “A Closed-Form Solution for Options with Stochastic Volatility with Applications to Bond and Currency Options.” The Review of Financial Studies, vol. 6, no. 2, 1993, pp. 327-343.
Hilpisch, Yves. Derivatives Analytics with Python: Data Analysis, Models,Simulation, Calibration and Hedging. John Wiley & Sons, 2015.